I'm Vishal Tyagi, a seasoned MERN Stack developer with a strong academic background (B.Tech in CSE, CGPA(9.97) and practical experience. I interned as a Fullstack Developer at Jamrio Technology, Software Engineer Program Intern at JP Morgan Chase & Co., and iOS Developer Intern at Infosys. My skills include JavaScript, Typescript, MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, and RESTful APIs. I am passionate about optimizing and enhancing web applications and committed to delivering high-quality work. Looking forward to contributing to your team.
Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TKJx5z5WFf-dAXZj_VRH5jAoWL_8_bxD/view?usp=sharing
Github: https://github.com/VishalTyagi098
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vishal-tyagi-850967237/
Live Project 1 : https://jamr-production.firebaseapp.com/
Live Project 2 : https://github.com/VishalTyagi098/Python_Excel_Interactive_Dashboard
Thank you.