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It was in 2003. The boom of Internet companies. The Post-Soviet countries were not an exception. Some were interested in the information technology market with the goal of building a business in a new sphere for themselves. Others, traditional companies, felt that it was technologies that would determine the winner from the follower. We clearly understood this and did not want to miss the emergence and development, in fact, of a new world.

At that time, many specialists in the field of information technology worked alone. Teamwork was a rarity. We chose our own path, which was thorny and required us to work out each new technology from start to finish. We refused to just adopt and adapt Western solutions, and instead of it we developed our own products for our customers.

In the epoch of .com boom in the territory of the post-Soviet space, a small team of developers, yesterday's freelancers, got together. At that moment, they decided to work alone at home - teamwork.
Even then our programmers created a large number of websites and two years later – a third version of their CMS system, which allowed for the creation of a simple site in just a couple of days.

Experience has shown that creating a flexible product is much more interesting and more important than just cloning sites. So, in 2005, Yuri Savenko (aka Yoshi) and I organized a company for developing non-standard web solutions. We did not have a name yet, but the goal was to apply our experience (of about seven years) to the development of complex and non-standard solutions.

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Accumulating Experience
It was difficult to compete with the knowledge and technology of Western colleagues. Because of the lack of up-to-date information, the latest developments in open access forced us to invent many solutions ourselves. For example, the technology AJAX, without which almost every web project today can not work, appeared as a standard only in 2005. We created an analog with the help of iframe in our CMS in 2004.

Founded: 2003

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