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  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • Ajax
  • Design
  • Accounting
  • ASP
  • Automated Testing
  • Billing
  • BPO
  • C
  • C#
  • Content Management

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  • Votiko

    $12/hr Starting at $28

    The VOTIKO Web development, telecommunications outsourcing solutions comprise a range of BPO services such as call center outsourcing, finance and accounting outsourcing, billing operations outsourcing...

    AccountingAjaxASPASP.NETAutomated Testing



Votiko is a digital marketing and technology solutions company. We offer cost effective Digital Marketing and Analytics solutions using Wordpress and PHP platforms.
Here is an organization that provides a wide array of value-added service that helps you meet your telemarketing and digital marketing solutions.
Our solutions use advanced features of web, BPO, Callcenter on the industry leading platforms.
We value independent thinking, while recognizing that working together is key to success. Walk into votiko office and you will see collaboration at work (and play). Our relaxed and flexible environment supports people freely expressing their opinions, learning from one another and driving change to further company goals.
We have experienced teams of designers, marketers and coders that help our clients to avail only the best solutions for their businesses. We provide optimum quality web design and digital marketing for a large number of active clients.

Founded: 2013

Work Terms

We practice a very simple approach – doing our best to satisfy our Customer with the results of collaboration. At the beginning of a project we assemble a team of professional developers, QA specialists, designers and project managers – and expand the team in case of necessity. We orient at close collaboration and communication with the Customer.

Our goals are:
• To establish efficient communication between the Customer and the team;
• Transparency of decisions and actions, clearness of requirements, fulfilment of expectations from both sides;
• Efficient communication within the team, enabling to exchange experience and knowledge;
• Separating the financial side from the development side. Quick consent about the financial side allows us to proceed to the development itself.

Every person in the team can be involved:

• full-time – regular for developers; sometimes for project managers and QA specialists;
• part-time – usual for project managers and QA specialists;
• as needed – usual for designers.

Billing can be performed in two ways:
• Hourly – according to the amount of time spent by the team. Billing period can be defined as one week, two weeks or a month. Billing amount equals spent time multiplied by our rate.
• Retainer – we agree beforehand on the exact amount of time spent by each person in the team during the billing period. Thus the billing amount is known beforehand as well. Billing period can be defined as two weeks or a month.

Our approach presumes an ongoing work on the projects with planned expenses. If you have a fixed budget for your project or a part of the project, we can handle it in the following way. First we analyze the approximate scope of work and let you know if we can fit in the budget. On the last iterations we finalize the development, polish the product and prepare it for distribution.

Intellectual property (IP) rights along with the source codes are passed to the client after the final payment from the client.

Navsari, Gujarat, India