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  • Campaign Planning
  • Email Campaigns
  • Email Services
  • Ideation
  • Marketing
  • Monitoring
  • Public Relations Management
  • Reports
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO
  • SEO Analysis
  • Social Media Account Management
  • Tooling Design


  • Social Media Platforms Marketing

    $10/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Initiate, build, monitoring and analyzing all social media platforms camping's by using the latest and updated ideas focus to achieve best results by working on projects with latest tools Email campaign...

    Campaign PlanningEmail CampaignsEmail ServicesIdeationMarketing


Individual digital marketing freelancer

was a very traditional person who likes routine. I used to be a corporate employee for 20 years. Apparently, my daily routine was the same every day; getting up early, going to work, working from 9 AM to 5 PM, go back home after a long journey with 60KM long (distance between my home and my work place), sleeping at max. 10PM to get up early the next day and so on. I kept repeating the same life cycle for years.

Actually, this seems perfect for some people enjoying stable lifestyle. However, I found life became so boring by time. One day, I was wondering: "Am I satisfied with my lifestyle and career path so far? Am I doing what I like?". Actually, the answer was "NO!!!". In others words, I didn't feel that I reached my potential or self-actualization despite all achievements I did in my career path as an employee.

That's why, I started to think that it is time to break this routine in my career life and how to get out of my comfort zone seeking for something else to do that it might be more interesting for me until I found myself in digital marketing.

Work Terms

Social Media platforms, Email campaigns & SEO