Runs faster. Costs less. And never breaks.
- About 5+ years of experience of web + desktop + Windows Mobile development.
- Not only developed projects or products from scratch but provided support for new software solutions, and also have done development and assessment of existing infrastructure.
- Strong focus on design and user capabilities
- Strong grip on client side or front end technologies such as (Angular Js, Jquery, Javasript, AJAX , MVC AJAX).
- Strong grip on server side technologies such as ( ADO.NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, Linq 2 Sql , Entity Framework, Hibernate, Web services both (SOAP and Restful), WPF, stored procedures etc.)
- Have done large amount of successful projects and products which are currently launched in market such as :
i) WEB EHR (Web based electronic health record)
ii) Developed performance dashboards by using FLOT Graphs.
iii) Queue Management System (web + mobile application + MFC).
iv) Developed Responsive Web App with Service Oriented Architecture.
v) Inventory Management System both Web + Desktop Application.
vi) Chatting application by using web-sockets and much more :D
- Worked as a team player and become the part of TEAM OF THE MONTH.
- Worked on large scale distributed database applications to centralized db applications.
- Developed applications from scratch and also manage legacy systems with SOA back-end.
- Enjoy to learn new and upcoming technologies.