Writer, Singer, Songwriter, GHOSTWRITER!
Hi there, My name is #WatzEtzFace. SIGH. . . It's a stage name. . . . I am 38 years old . . . .and I . . . . you know what, let me start this off with . . . I have ADHD and possible Asperger's. The diagnosis was unclear because my doctor is an ADHD type or whatever, so, if THIS seems a little "all over the page" or whatever, I DO NOT apologize! Academically, my name is Steven Alequin. I graduated from California College San Diego, College America, Independence University with an Associate's Degree in Applied Science in Business Administration. I started writing creatively in my freshman year and studied English Etymology in my junior and sophomore year. Next to my affinity for engineering, it was the only thing I understood in school. I didn't know what I was doing then, and I don't know what I am doing now, but I know that I am an artist (Yes, I am starving, please help!) I am a writer, editor, singer, songwriter, videographer, photographer, aspiring comedian and all around musician creating various forms of entertainment for absolutely no one to enjoy. As a writer, I published a sci-fi novel under the pen name S. Alequin of which I recently discovered has since been un-published. I honestly thought things of the internet nature lasted forever, but my account doesn't even exist anymore either. I am an imaginary engineer and former Navy Veteran. I practice writing daily, and continue to educate myself on the best writing practices.
Work Terms
I will accomplish any reasonable writing assignment that involves higher learning but I am partial to the aforementioned subjects. I do not have a job, so am also focused on my music, of which I am creating an album. Some of my time is spent on that, which I hope explains my helter-skelter bio! You know . . . if the ADHD and Asperger's wasn't a clue.