Pursuing Excellence in Web & Mobile Apps Development
We are transitioning from start-up status to a growing company pursuing multiple web and mobile apps project. We are offering wide support for Open source technologies like PHP, WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, MVC framework like ZEND, Codelgniter, CakePHP. We do innovative UI & UX, we use a mix of HTML5, CSS3, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, SASS. We are specialized in CMS websites, eCommerce applications, SaaS applications, Web applications, iOS and Android apps.
We believe in quality work and we have the right expertise to execute projects of any magnitude and size. We embrace that principle in our design by seeking to build experiences that surprise and enlighten our users in equal measure.
We have right combination of strategists, engineers and designers to take your next big venture to success.
Founded: 2014
Work Terms
Working hours are flexible
Our Payment Terms described follows,
1. 30% Upfront
2. 25% After PSD - HTML Design
3. 30% After Development Design
4. 15% After QA
Project above 1000 USD will have 5% Discount
Project above 2500 USD will have 10% Discount
All Projects will have unlimited revisions on both Design-Development
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