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  • Application Development
  • ASP
  • C#
  • CSS
  • CSS2
  • CSS3
  • Data Sheet Writing
  • Excel
  • HTML
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO
  • SMO
  • SQL

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  • Web designer with SEO, develope

    $10/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our expertise in web designing in HTML & Word Press, SEO, SMO, Google Ads at application development in ASP. net, C#, Sql Server.

    Application DevelopmentASPASP.NETC#CSS


Best Web Designer

Webtech Infopark is a leading solution provider for web based applications. The Company has been promoted by highly experienced professionals dedicated to provide high quality IT solutions. We provide values to the product with applied quality process. We define, design and deliver IT solutions to our clients which help them to become front runner up in there domain. With Inet Infotech , clients are assured of a transparent business partner, world-class processes, speed of execution and the power to stretch their IT budget by leveraging the global delivery model that Webtech Infopark pioneered.

Our Vision
To be recognized as one of the world class companies in forthcoming years; and to maximize value from our business transactions for the benefit of Inet Infotech by leveraging our competencies and unleashing our entrepreneurial spirit.

Our Mission
To establish  Inet Infotech  as a major player in the global IT business and to produce world class services in the field of Information Technology; with the whole customer satisfaction.
Professional IT Services with Commitment

Webtech Infopark offers a full range of IT-oriented professional services for corporate as well as I individuals; Each IT service is provided by a team of dedicated and highly trained IT professionals.

An approach to work that is informed, knowledge-based and is demonstrated by thoroughness, competence, flexibility, dependability and efficiency
Customer Focus
Sustaining commitment to the highest standards and levels of quality, service and excellence to all our customers

Technical Efficiency
Nurturing a culture of collaboration and resource sharing in pursuit of business objectives

Nurturing a culture of collaboration and resource sharing in pursuit of business objectives

Continuous Improvement
The ongoing access to development, capabilities, processes and technology to sustain high standards of technical efficiency and corporate competitiveness.

Founded: 2016