I Debug The World!
I’ve always wanted to help people use technology to better their lives. I even had my grandmother skyping and e-mailing before broadband was even available in my area (though it was in hers). WordPressDebugger.com was born out of two passions: helping people live better, and an intense auto-didactic interest in programming. One of my favorite projects I had been using to set up my websites, as I set up websites for myself for fun, was WordPress. I have been using it exclusively for the last year and a half, though I’ve been working with WordPress for about three years total.
I’m very good at debugging, whether its a real world problem, a hardware problem, or a programming problem. I’m at my best when it’s a programming problem. I quickly adapt to new code bases, and at seeing how things are built so that I can swiftly identify and often alter the problem. I’ve used these skills to increase print job efficiency at a financial statement printing plant (using SQL, C, and PostScript), to build a twice as fast Moodle server than the one given (compiling a LAMP installation from source), to set up all my pet projects (every fun website has one issue or another to solve), to make my email operate correctly on my server (requiring a SpamAssassin reconfiguration), to solve a mission-critical bug in a in-development computer game (using Ruby), to enable a plug-in’s functionality by modifying mod_security, to install Android on a BeagleBone Black (using Java and C) among more. My friends call me The Master Debugger because I always get to the bottom of it.
Work Terms
For debug tickets the pricing is as follows (US currency):
Final Consultation Fee: $30
Some jobs take less than one hour, if so, only the consultation fee is charged.
Man-Hours Past 1 Hour (9 AM-5 PM Mountain Time): $15 / hour
Additional Man-Hours (5 PM – 9 AM Mountain Time): $25 / hour
I only work additional man-hours upon request.