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Total Feedback Received: 2

  • James_Mattingly · Oct 02, 2008

    Very efficient, very professional, excellent communication skils and kept me posted on each part of the project...Awesome overall job.

    for Looking for some editing / hosting

  • Warren_Jackson1 · Sep 05, 2008

    Bill not only took the time to review our project details, but offered great suggestive advice. is well pleased with his technical skill and communication. Our project required simple text changes and updates. Furthermore, I didn't want someone going in a screwing up the current design and coding. Bill took care of business just as he said he would! If you want a website designer that is all about business and can give you the sizzle and the steak.....then Bill is your man. I tip my hat to you sir.

    for Maintenance Needed For Existing Website