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  • Providing Extraordinary Creative Writing

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Currently, I am a person with a love of writing and research, and I want to extend my skills and knowledge to anyone who is in need of a person such as myself to write on any subject for them. Hiring...

    BloggingBlogsBook WritingChildren's Book WritingChildren's Writing
  • I will provide in-depth Proofreading

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Proofreading is a very important skill to have for any writer that seeks to publish their works. However, sometimes it becomes a problem for writers during the writing process for a number of different...

    AccessArticle RewritingBlog CommentingEditingEnglish Language
  • I'll fill your forum community w/ posts.

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The biggest problem that currently plagues a lot of new forums and web communities when they first get set up is that it's often hard to draw in newer users to your website. Often these new communities...

    Content WritingForum ModerationForum PostingIndexingSEO
  • I will critique any written work.

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Art is subjective in its many different forms, this is fact. Whether you're drawing, painting sculpting, writing, or anything that's creative and productive there is always someone who will look at what...

    ArtCreative WritingCritiqueGrammarWriting
  • Draw any traditional Illustration

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    While I pride myself as an Author and exemplify the written word above all else, I also have a fondness for visual mediums to the point that I also tend to find myself lost in learning the skill of drawing...

    Anime ArtArtArtistBasicCartooning


I'm here to help you to the very best of my abilities. So feel free to give me a try.

Hello there.

First off, thank you for making it to my page and taking a quick look over this Bio. I'll do my best to make everything concise for you.

Currently, I'm a 25-year-old Student who's here to offer his skills and abilities to anyone in need. Most of my skills revolve around Writing, Proofreading, Illustration, and a bit more. Freelancing has more or less been a job placed on me as a way to pay off my College Debts as Student Loans continue to mount up the longer I pursue my degree, and I find myself becoming more and more hard pressed to keep myself from going into debt the closer I get to my degree.

However, I've luckily always had a passion for both the written word and Illustration and Art and that passion led me to improve both as a way to develop a creative outlet. Now, I seek to put my skills to the test for any client who wishes to test me and see what I can do for their needs.

So let me work for you, and I'll be sure to fulfill any requirements that you may have.

With that said, here are a few things about me to serve as a sort of quick resume.

-Successfully published several works of Short Fiction.

-Successfully Ghost-written several works that were published.

-Successfully runs a Kindle and Createspace Self-Publishing Account

-Highly rated on several other Freelancing platforms.

-And more.

For any prospective client who wishes to hire me, all you have to do is simply ask me for any samples for any category, genre, or niche and I'll be happy to send you. I'll even provide whatever information you wish to ask me.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Work Terms

Currently, as a Freelancer pursuing higher education, I have a very open schedule during most days.

Predominately, these are my working hours:

Monday thru Friday 3pm-11pm Central Standard
Saturday 5 pm-Midnights Central Standard
Sundays: Off (For Study and Homework)

For contact, I am available generally most of the day and will answer any questions or comments as soon as I am able. Though your best bet for a response from me is during my prime working hours.

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