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    As far as marketing I helped Microwize to be one of the top healthcare IT company with my marketing strategies and ideas. I won top marketing rewards by top fortune 50 companies in the USA such McKesson and Allscripts. I went to school for computer Science minor in mathematic (New Jersey institute o

    f technology) My marketing background in the following industries Healthcare, technology, entreatment, hospitalities and educations. I always believed in the business is is table with Four legs: product services, sales and marketing while most business’s owners excel at picking the product worked very hard to perfect the services then hire the best people to do the sales without marketing nothing happens marketing what makes the phone ring. Marketing often got overlooked. With a 7,000 miles a part (12,000 km) Robert Gabriel a successful business owner and a marketing Gurgle was looking for perfect partner to bring ideas to life. Sundas Aziz was the perfect partner.

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    Robert Gabriel

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    I always found the digital field very interesting. I was completing my collage when my elder sister (Sundas Aziz) started doing freelance work. Seeing her getting successful in such a short time I was very impressed and joined her venture. Since then we have been working together. I love developing

    websites and managing the developers. I seek perfection in everything. Many employees who have worked under me asked me that “do you actually keep some digital scale and microscope with you to measure and test each and everything?” I can’t sleep until I have perfected everything that is how much I am obsessed with perfection. I don’t like to work with the employees who want to run away from work and do everything in a hurry just to get rid of it because I believe if the client have asked you to do something for him/her then he have put the trust in you that you are going to give him your best so they do deserve your best.

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    Shehryar Aziz

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    I recently completed my bachelor’s degree in computer arts but I have been working professionally in this field for more than 3 years now. After two semesters into my studies I started working as a freelancer. I kept implementing everything new that I learned that particular day in my university for

    my clients that always ended in the best result. I always loved my client because as a freelancer we have direct contact with client. Before taking up the work I communicate with them to try to understand their needs fully and to understand their business from every perspective. The quality of my work improved massively in such a short time because I took each and every hint, point, mistake as an experience and I gave my client the first priority. The place where I belong from, girls have to get married early and higher education is something that only boys get. Having a very supportive family I always had bigger dreams.

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    Sundas Aziz