WordPress, PHP-MySQL, WP Membership, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, API integration,OptimizePress, VPS, Payment Gateway Integration, WordPres Maintenance
"Clients Satisfaction" - this is what I believe in.
Working with WordPress, Membership, S2member, BuddyPress, Directory Sites, PMPro, WishList Member, MagicMembers, MemberMouse, Paypal Integration, JS, jQuery Server maintenance and optimization etc. for about 4 years.
I have specialization in several web technologies and like to take competitive challenges. Have been working on different freelance marketplaces. I know, what I am capable of and I don't like to take projects that I may not do perfectly (don't you think it's just a waste of time?). I like to keep and fulfill requests of my clients until he/she is 100% satisfied. I am glad to say that "You can definitely rely on my services and I won't make you disappointed."
#Service Description -
* s2Member pro, Membership sites (S2member, BuddyPress, PMPro, WishList Member, MagicMembers, MemberMouse), Training sites, Directory/Classified sites.
*Special services on WooCommerce (including plugin development with Woo API).
*WordPress Troubleshooting.
*Advance CRUD app based on instruction.
*Theme and child theme writing and maintenance as well as BuddyPress, WooCommerce and BBPress based theme writing.
*Cloning sites to WordPress with 95% similarity.
*Plugin developing based on WP api, 3rd party api.
*Installing and configuring themes and advance level customization (including premium themes and plugins).
*Buddypress stuffs, WordPress Multisite, forum (BBPress, simple:forum) inetgration.
*VPS setup, maintenance and optimization. WordPress optimization for minimal loading time of js, css and other stuffs.
*WordPress Tweaking and hardening security (advance level)
*HTML2WordPress conversion.
*Making a WordPress site full responsive.
*Validating codes, including HTML5 and CSS3.
*WordPress custom theme, template and plugin.