Content and Creative Writing and Visual design professional.
A mother of two- one toddler and another a primary grader, I have spent the last decade in Europe and thus experienced a variety of life and culture. My love for travel has been to some extent been the reason for this period of my life being the best so far. Having made friends from multiple international, cultural, educational and other backgrounds has had an extremely enriching influence on me as a person. What I have not been able to see I have tried to make up by reading a vast range of literature, often foreign or about many different countries. Reading, including reading for my kids takes up a large part of my non work time. The other is, of course, spent in playing, where our pet dog also comes into the picture. I have been fortunate enough to have had many pets,mostly dogs, in my growing up years and I presume I have a goodish understanding of animals. Writing too has been a hobby since I was child and has now, I am proud to say, has been picked up by my daughter as well.Work wise, I am a Global Marketing & Business Strategy Professional with over 10+ years of cross-functional academic + professional experience in Work Domains including: Online Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Economics, Global Business Strategy and General Business Management.
Work Terms
I can work 20-30 hours per week. Pay rates, of course, depend on the work that is needed to be done.