Data scientist
I have a Ph.D. degree in bioinformatics with more than ten years of professional experience working in different positions as a lab specialist, researcher, director, and bioinformatician. Work in the fields of bioinformatics enforces my programing skills, statistical, and mathematics as well. As a result, I gained skills in python, R, Java, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Work Terms
◦ Experiment design and statistical analysis
◦ Proficiency using R and python ( build up data analysis pipeline)
◦ RNAseq data analysis (STAR, Stringtie, HISAT2 and R packages “limma, DEseq2, edgeR”)
◦ Microbiota data analysis ( qiime2 and kraken2)
◦ Data visualization of multivariate data points (PCA, PoCA, heatmaps, clustering, and t- SNE)
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