Full Stack WordPress Developer
Skill and Experience is the power to provide quality work and professional finish. I always provide more what my clients expected and thus make them satisfied with the quality for 7+ years
Got my BSc. degree in Electrical Engineering and dedicated myself in the world of web design and development. Fluent in front-end development with Html5, Css3, Javascript, Jquery, Sass, Less. For backend, Php is the tool of my perfection. Love WordPress design and development and built a lot of themes and modified plugins as required. All of the skills are perfected through huge amount of project experience on over 7 years of working.
All of my sites are mobile and cross-browser friendly and W3 validated. I provide modern complicated design and development solutions and cool and user-friendly back-end features. Learning new things every day and love to solve a complex problem with great imagination. Always ready to take any challenge on my skills.