Senior VBA/Excel/C++/C# Developer. Web technologies enthusiast. Passionate about getting the job done right.
I obtained a BSc in Statistics from Athens University of Economics and Business in 2005.
An MSc in Finance from Cass Business School in London followed in 2007.
I started out as a risk management consultant in Bancware, Sungard Systems in 2007.
In 2008 I moved to Barclays Capital, where I became a Quantitative Developer for the Fixed Income Exotics desk. I used VBA and C++ to maintain and develop complex trading/pricing solutions in MS Excel. I successfully troubleshooted reliability issues and created a series of tools to help debug the team's software stack.
In 2010 I became a RAD developer for the Equities Desk in Deutsche Bank in London. I developed and maintained applications in VBA, C# and C++ (COM/ATL). I Paricipated in the migration of analytics libraries, and re-engineered a number of spreadsheets (including several mission-critical applications) with very good results/feedback.I maintained and extended the existing VBA infrastructure focusing on reliability and good programming practices.
In 2011 I became a front office RAD developer for BGC Partners, in London. I developed libraries in C++, C# and VBA to extend the company's Excel platform, focusing on performance, reliability and security, as well as client applications in VBA (Excel), C# (Winforms) and C++ (WTL). I supported and enhanced add-ins both in C++ (COM, RTD servers, XLLs) and C# (VSTO, RTD, Managed XLLs). I focused on security/auth infrastructure development for the excel platform, extending the existing VBA stack with C++/C# components where appropriate.
In 2012 I became independent and designed a commercial add-in for Microsoft Office, Dynamic RibbonX, which has now been rebranded to Ribbon Commander ( The core was designed in C++11/ATL and projections for VBA/C#/VB.NET were created.
I am now in the process of completing obtaining an MSc in Computer Science from Athens University of Economics and Business.