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  • AngularJS
  • API Development
  • Django
  • Laravel
  • Mobile Development
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • ReactJS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Software Development
  • Web Development


  • Web developer

    $25/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am 8 years experienced full stack developer worked for a wide array of companies like Shutterstock, PerkinsWill, Invisionapp. My key strengths come from the valuable experiences that I earned from building...

    AngularJSAPI DevelopmentDjangoLaravelMobile Development


Web/Mobile Developer

I am 8 years experienced full stack developer worked for a wide array of companies like Shutterstock, PerkinsWill, Invisionapp.

My key strengths come from the valuable experiences that I earned from building
3 REST API services using serverless technology - AWS Lambda, APIGateway
5 websites from end to end using Node.js
Frontends of 6 websites using React or Angular
1 website using Python Django
2 website using Ruby on Rails
3 mobile apps using React Native