Javascript/React, Node, Django developer.
I'm an expert full-stack developer with 8 years of experiences. I have been working on building MVPs and scaling into enterprise-level products. I'm building SPA and PWA with React, Redux-Saga, Redux-Thunk, Vue, Vuex, Material-UI, SemanticUI, Bootstrap. I'm also very familiar with chart libraries like ApexChart, D3.JS, Tableau, and Highcharts. For the backend, my primary skills are Node.js and Python. I'm familiar with AWS Lambda, firebase cloud functions for the serverless architecture. Depending on the requirements of your project, I can use cutting-edge technologies to make your project extremely successful and deliver it on time in a cost-effective way.
• React, Redux(Saga/Thunk), Gatsby, Pure React
• Node.JS/Express.JS/Next.JS
• Vue/Vuex,
• Material UI, ReactBootstrap, SemanticUI, Vuetify
• Python/Django/Flask
• Ruby on Rails
• Postgres, MongoDB, Mysql, DynamoDB, ElasticSearch
• AWS(Lambda, EC2, EBS, AppSync, Cognito, S3, RDS, DynamoDB)
• Firebase(Real-time Database, Firestore, Cloud Function)