Korean - English Translation, Korean - German Translation, hand drawing, Illustration, 3d modelling, Blender, Unity3d, Video editing, Adobe Premiere, Adobe AfterEffect
I am a freelance, multidisciplinary visual artist. Since I was very young, I liked to paint. I attended art college since I was 14 years old and I also studied painting at university. In addition to painting, With a great interest in time-based media, I choose my secondary subject as interactive media design. After successful graduation, I went to study abroad in Berlin and majored in media art and was trained to deal with various media like film, interactive installation, generative art and videogame. I have worked in the field of video production and have experience as an art director in film production in Korea. Based on this experience I can work as a generalist, from the most basic hand drawing to 2d programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator, and also 3d. Nowadays, I focus on 3d modelling and game design with Blender and Unity 3d. My mother tongue is Korean. I am fluent in foreign languages (English, German) based on many years of studying abroad and have experience working as an interpreter at the expo.