Fast & Affordable Professional Online Research. At, we take the pain out of online research delivering professional results in 3 days for $439 / £349.
When I left "Big 4 Consulting" to set up an independent firm, I needed a way to conduct deep internet research for client presentations without spending hours online or the overhead of a permanent team of analysts. My solution was to work with freelance researchers from across the globe, who had the skills I needed and wanted the flexibility I could offer.
Over the years, the consulting business grew and our research capability grew with us. We have developed working processes that enable us to get high quality results within a few days. We use the information our researchers collect for presentations, business cases, business development, white papers and strategic analysis.
With the launch of, we are making our research capability available to other businesses for the first time. During the early stages of the business, I will consult on every project to make sure we deliver great quality results every time. As demand grows, we will invest to build a much more comprehensive website supported by a dedicated team. I hope you will give us a try.
Thank you,
Dominic James (Founder & Client Director)
Founded: 2016