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  • e-Books
  • Editing
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Article Writing
  • Assignment Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Book Writing
  • Business Planning
  • Content Writing
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  • Copyediting
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  • Do professional Proofreading & Editing.

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    If you need eagle eyes to carefully review and catch every little error to make your document a perfect presentation.Your document will have precision spelling and punctuation with light grammatical changes...

    Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Premiere ProArticle WritingAssignment WritingBlog Writing


My mission is to provide high-quality proofreading & editing work to my existing and new customers. My work accuracy depends on my customer relationships with me for providing perfect work

I’ve been a professional proofreader and editor for 5 years. I started out covering local news for the News Journal, Navarre Press, St. Augustine Record & Magazine. Since then, I’ve worked as a proofreader and contributing editor for several websites. Also, I can do any business document & e-book proofreading and editor so this is my vision to provide high-quality work to my customers around the world as a freelancer. My experience is based on customer relationships and building long term relationship with my customers.
My hobbies are Playing football, Snooker, and Cricket for maintaining my physical and mental health.
I have been done a lot of proofreading and editing work for many dozen customers which are very satisfied with my work which is providing to my customers.

Work Terms

I have done my work within 3 days which are flexible for providing my services to my customers.
I have received payments directly my bank a/c number is (03087900827703).
My communication as a freelancer most of my career, I research and develop all my story ideas and articles. This made me the sole editor and proofreader of my projects prior to pitching and submission to a publication.

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