Clear, Credible Science Writing — Tailored to Your Research.
I am a Freelance Scientific Article Writer, here are the services I can offer for you :
♦ The Use of Quality Papers in the article such as peer reviewed studies, meta-analysis studies or similar in quality.
♦ A Writing that goes in-Depth, Formal, Clear, Logical (step by step explanations), Organized and Objective.
♦ A Collaborative Approach : Committed to working closely with you throughout the project.
♦ Exceptional Time Delivery.
♦ APA Formatting. (if necessary)
PS: On the attached Files section you may find a PDF document. The document has a FULL sample showcasing my work. Hope you like it.
Work Terms
Part time availability, Communication via Slack and Payment is only made when work is done.
Attachments (Click to Preview)