AWS | NodeJS | ReactJS | MERN Stack Developer
I'm a quality oriented full stack developer with 7+ years of experience in developing & delivering real world projects.
Since I have been working with teams across the globe so remotely flexible.
I have worked in different domains like Healthcare, MDM, Media, Education, Music and Estate Law.
Good Knowledge of Graph-Database
- ReactJS AngularJS
- NodeJS | ExpressJS | Koa | ES6
- HTML5 Stack | JavaScript | CSS3
- MongoDB | Neo4J Graph database | RethinkDB
- PhoneGap | appMobi | Ionic
- Windows Store App Development
- SVG | D3.js Data Driven Documents | RaphaelJS
- Amazon Web Services | Windows Azure | Heroku
- jQuery | jQuery Mobile | jQuery Isotopes
- Mobile Apps | Mobile webs | Cloud Computing
- Mocha Testing Framework
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