Posted 2 Days Ago Job ID: 2103086 5 quotes received

Looking for Udemy specialist

Fixed PriceUnder $250
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  Send before: April 12, 2025

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Can you create, edit, optimize, and publish Udemy courses?
can you optimize an existing udemy page?

Do you know how to promote published Udemy courses for more sales?

We are looking for a skilled professional who can help us set up courses on Udemy for clients.

Ps: If you don't have experience, please don't bother applying. This is for those who are familiar with Udemy and know how to create, publish, and promote Udemy courses.

Here is an example of a client's course one of our specialists worked on.

To be sure we are a right fit for another, reply with your bid and tell us how you would improve on this course/ and also how you would optimize it

I look foward to your feedback

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