Posted 9 Days Ago Job ID: 2090069 38 quotes received


Fixed Price or Hourly W9 Required for U.S.
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  Send before: August 14, 2024

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We have a web site that has indexing issues with Google Search Console. More than 5000 pages are not indexed including the homepage due to a redirect according to Google. This may be due to JS code which includes content via AJAX. We need someone to help us start over by removing the bad indexes and using the current site map with good URLs. We just need our entire site properly indexed and any bad URLs to be removed or fixed.

We are looking for someone with the following skills:


JS (in case changes are needed)
HTML design
SVN (Must be able to use for version/code control)

PHP (in case changes are needed)

The successful candidate will be attached to our Google, Ahrefs and SVN account. This information will be provided after hired and an agreed contract. Safety pay may be used but will not be automatically released. It will be release once the work has been verified to be done correctly. This can be in steps.

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Anthony C United States