Posted 30 Days Ago Job ID: 2101491 15 quotes received

Virtual Assistant for Sales Reporting

Fixed PriceUnder $250
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  Send before: June 30, 2025

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I'm seeking a virtual assistant to pull and distribute daily sales performance reports via Slack and manage MQL reports. 

Key Responsibilities: 1. Provide screenshots of sales performance from our sales management software to each of our 8 sales reps and me at 12pm, 3pm, and 5pm. 2. Distribute a daily MQL screenshot report at 4pm to each sales person, tracking calls attempted against MQL. 3. Confirm the completion of end of day reports. 4. Compile and send a weekly MQL report every Friday at noon. This report will detail MQLs generated by category, calls against leads, % booked, % closed, % DQ’d and reasons.

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Gopesh P India