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Hire 3D CAD Designers for Your Projects

CAD stands for computer-aided design and it is the process of using computer techniques in designing products, especially involving the use of computer graphics. CAD is used for generating both 2D and 3D models. 2D CAD is widely seen in fields of technical engineering like structural or architectural engineering whereas 3D CAD designs are used more in digital applications, like animation and prototyping processes.

CAD Designer Job Description

3D CAD designers for hire assist real estate developers, architects, engineers, and contractors in creating a computerized version of the blueprint, design, and layout. They convert 2D drawings into 3D and thus digitize drawings for better precision and clarity. CAD drawing services include converting an original drafting document into a precise and accurate multi-layered CAD drawing or converting from one CAD format to another. CAD designers can also include vectorization and blueprint conversion. Providers of CAD drawing services or 3D CAD drawing services work across the engineering spectrum and provide architectural drafting, structural drafting, mechanical drafting, CAD conversion, redline markups, indexing and renaming, and the standardization of drawings.

Professional CAD designers who offer freelance drafting services work across industries such as electric, mechanics, civil engineering, and architecture. Due to the increased demand for freelance draftsmen, a number of professionals now offer their bid for freelance work and offer online freelance services. CAD designers can be easily found on Guru – one of the top freelance marketplaces.

When looking to hire for 3D CAD drawing services online, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Draft complex 3D drawings and charts.

  • Develop construction and record drawings.

  • Develop designs and layouts as per the required design.

  • Work with computer-aided design equipment and/or graphic tools such as AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor.

  • Liaise with engineers and architects.

Qualifications of Freelance CAD Designers

It is ideal for your freelance 3D CAD designers to have the following skills:

  • Professional education in structural engineering or related field

  • Certificate course or thorough knowledge in computer-aided software programs

  • Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles

  • Ability to work within a multi-disciplinary team ranging across different fields, including mechanical, civil-structural, and electrical engineering, instrumentation, and piping

  • Advanced technical and math skills

  • Detail-oriented

Benefits of Hiring Freelance 3D CAD Drawing Services

Hiring freelance CAD designers is cost efficient as there is no need to hire a draftsman on a payroll. Freelance CAD designers specialize in subsets such as civil engineering, sustainable development, residential complexes, and this adds to their expertise in the said field. Freelance 3D CAD drafters are ideal for small projects such as converting files from PDF to CAD format.

Guru Tip:

Hourly, fixed price, task-based or recurring. Choose from four payment terms and work the way you want. Find and hire top 3D CAD designers on our online freelance marketplace Guru. 

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