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How Cisco PIX Professionals Can Help You

Cisco PIX (Private Internet Exchange) is simply an IP hardware firewall and a network address translation appliance. It runs on a PIX firewall operating system and comes in different models. However all the Cisco PIX models do come in serial numbers of 500s. Whereas the Cisco PIX 501 model is the most popular and most suiting for home, small offices as well as small networks, the Cisco PIX 515 happens to be the preferred option for midsize companies and organizations. Usually, this Cisco Pix firewall comes with an interface outside which does establishes a connection with an internet router inside and further goes on to public internet. There is also an interface inside that specifically establishes connection with a LAN switch.

PIX firewall does the work of analysis and generation of reports which assist a system user in the planning of bandwidth requirement while making use of the bandwidth firewall usage. In assessment of business risk by companies, the analysis of firewall security logs happens to be an important part often not neglected, and the Cisco Private Internet Exchange (PIX) analyzer does assist companies in the carrying out of these analysis functions. It also functions in the areas of collecting of firewall logs, analyzing them and giving reports of the analysis. It also supports the following reports; live report, protocol usage report, Event summary reports, web usage report, VPN usage report, Firewall rules reports and lots of others. Employing a freelancer is easy on Hire the expert with Cisco PIX experience you need, today.

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