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Find Freelance Medical Writers for Your Projects

A freelance medical writer uses specialized scientific knowledge and their writing skills to communicate complex medical science information in a comprehensible manner.

Medical writers mostly focus on scientific medical writing or promotional medical writing. It can cover drug trials, medical studies, regulatory documents, clinical study reports, clinical study protocols, safety documents, investigator brochures, IND/NDA labeling & sections, ad copy for hospitals or news releases. The services of medical writers are required by educational institutions, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals among others.

What Does a Medical Writer Do?

A medical writer usually works with the client or clinical teams to fully understand the related scientific work. Their job includes assessment of products and data and developing expertise in new areas. Research is conducted to improve background knowledge. Medical writers help clients such as,

  • Medical device manufacturers

  • Government agencies

  • Medical publishers

  • Clinical research facilities

The services of medical specialists are also required by government agencies for drafting regulatory proposals related to medical drugs and devices. A remote medical writer may also be hired to create instructional material like:

  • Textbooks

  • Training brochures

  • Medical-device tutorials

  • Medicine descriptions

  • Fact sheets

What Tasks Medical Writers Can Complete

Medical copywriters are responsible for:

  • Completing medical and scientific writing tasks. They are the authors of documents such as clinical study protocols, committee charters, CMC, regulatory submission sections, ICF, IB and CSR.

  • Producing high-quality documents, ensuring a logical flow of ideas and excellent grammar.

  • Creating documents for a wider range of audience, allowing the team to focus on subject matter expertise and content.

  • Creating templates used in writing clinical documents.

  • Creating and maintaining tracking of timelines and deliverables for all the different documents.

  • Preparation of presentations.

How to Find a Quality Medical Writer

When looking for medical writers, find freelancers that have the following:

  • Excellent Writing Skills: They should have strong writing skills and a deep understanding of medical terms. The medical specialists should be able to use anatomical images, diagrams, charts and photographs to explain medical information. They are expected to be proficient in the use of publishing software such as Adobe InDesign, QuarkXpress, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe PageMaker and others.

  • Medical Knowledge: A remote medical writer should understand FDA regulations. They should also follow all the important steps involved in the approval process. They should be able to translate scientific and medical material into simpler content that is easy to understand, interesting to read and useful for the readers. The freelancer should also be familiar with reputed clinical research publications and medical journals.

  • Qualifications: They are required to have a Bachelor’s degree, but it is an advantage to find someone with advanced degrees like PhD in science or healthcare, Pharm.D. or an M.D. Some medical copywriters may also have degrees and/or experience in communications, journalism and English.

  • Strong Ethical Standards: It is important for medical writers to ensure that their writing is ethical and accurate. They should be able to consult with medical specialists, scientists, pharmacists and medical journal authors. The right remote medical writer will be able to cover medical topics comprehensively without any bias.

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