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How NGINX Professionals Can Help You

Nginx is a web server that provides free and open source software. A large majority of web servers utilize Nginx as a load balancing solution, but it is also used as a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTP cache. Most well-known for its high performance, feature set, stability and easy configuration, Nginx is suitable for scalable event-driven architecture, otherwise referred to as asynchronous architecture. As of last year, Nginx was found to be the second most widely used web server across all active sites as well as for the top million sites. Some high traffic web sites such as Netflix, Hulu and Pinterest use Nginx serves to power their web sites. Some of the most notable features that Nginx provides are reverse proxy with caching, handling of all static files, and load balancing with in-band health checks. As compared to its competition known as Apache, Nginx uses less memory than Apache and is capable of handling four times the requests per second.

A freelance Nginx expert may setup and configure the Nginx web server on your Linux computer operating systems. If you are seeking a web server system that is event-driven or asynchronous, the Nginx expert may implement a framework architecture that uses small, yet predictable amounts of memory under load for a low resource consumption setup. If you host multiple media streaming services or a scalable database on your web site, an Nginx expert may also choose the Nginx web server to power the back end operations of your web site as many simultaneous connections can be handled at the same time with a low memory footprint. In addition, the Nginx expert may install load balancing applications so that your business can track traffic flow when multiple connections are occurring simultaneously. Hire the expert from with the Nginx skills you need in the location you want and at the price you want to pay.

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