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How SWOT Analysis Professionals Can Help You

A SWOT analysis is a process of identifying certain characteristics of an organization. It refers to characteristics such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that a business possesses or faces. It is a method of analyzing factors that influence the business and determining what the business is capable of. Internal factors are represented by strengths and weaknesses, whereas external factors are represented by opportunities and threats. This analysis assists a business with determining what a company needs to do in order to accomplish goals. This includes identifying what obstacles a company needs to overcome in order to achieve the desired results. A freelancer with SWOT analysis expertise can be found on Guru.

SWOT analysis is conducted by market research analysts in order to uncover information to assist decision-making. Market researchers are able to provide information for reporting purposes such as a Business Plan. Market Researchers collect data regarding customers, the organization’s competitors as well as the market place where the goods and services are intended to be distributed. They consolidate information into actionable items. They conduct surveys in order to uncover the perspective of customers and compiles statistical data. They identify market trends and pricing models. Furthermore, they are able to use software to assist with analysis such as SWOT Analysis Generator, Creately, Gliffy, SWOT Map and SmartDraw (to name a few). You are able to hire a freelancer with SWOT analysis expertise on Guru.

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