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Visual Basic Programmers for Hire

Visual Basic (VB) is an event-driven programming language from Microsoft. Event-driven refers to the way how Visual Basic vigorously responds to the user's instructions and actions.  It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) which allows programmers to modify code. This makes modification simply by dragging and dropping objects and defining their behavior and appearance. VB which is derived from the BASIC programming language is considered to be event-driven and object-oriented.

Being a GUI based development tool, VB offers a faster RAD than most other programming languages. If you are looking for an environment to build a user interface that is easy to use, engaging a freelance Visual Basic Programmer is the best decision.

What Does a Visual Basic Programmer Do?

Visual Basic Programmers are professionals who are involved in designing, developing and maintaining high-quality, robust and error-free Microsoft-based applications using VB programming. They work on maintaining and managing existing applications and as per business requirements recommend changes or modify current applications. These professionals also develop accurate designs and code for software applications to support business requirements and provide strategies for effective technical solutions.

A freelance C Programmer has expertise in C programming language and can efficiently work on graphics, and applications requiring calculations, etc. For dynamic applications, websites, interactive interfaces and even games etc., Java programming language is used by a freelance Java Developer. For getting Visual Basic Programming Service, hiring a freelancer from top websites will get the desired objectives.

You can find Visual Basic Programmers for hire on, one of the best online freelance sites. Before you appoint freelance Visual Basic Programmer, do ensure that the Professional: -

  • Has good analytical skills and the ability to resolve complex programming, software or other technical issues effectively and quickly

  • Understands Operating Systems: Windows, DOS, Vista

  • Should know languages: Visual Basic 6.0 and 5.0, C, C++, Java, HTML, XML, ASP, SQL Server 2000/2005, COBOL, Pascal

  • Understands tools and programs: Ultra VNC, Crystal Reports, Visual Build Professional

  • Knows Software Tools: Report Writer, Data Junction 4.1, Informix

Qualification of Visual Basic Programmer

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering/ Computer Science/ Software Engineering

  • Previous working experience of Visual Basic 6.0, VB6 database, SQL Server 2008+, MS Visual Studio, Dot net frameworks, OOPS and ERP system

Benefits of Hiring Visual Basic Programmer

  • They will help in rapid development of Windows based applications using VBA.

  • These experts will be able to resolve errors in run-time, logic, and syntax by using debugging tools. They will also manage databases and create web applications as per your requirements.

  • They will work closely with other stakeholders of the project in maintaining and enhancing performance of software applications. They will also provide application support to users by analyzing and resolving related issues.

Guru Tip:

Hourly, task-based or recurring. Choose from four Payments and work the way you want. Search and hire Visual Basic Programming freelancers on our online freelance on Guru. Get work done with security, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. 

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