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Lions & Covid

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    • Lions can catch it.



      Yesterday, I read that three lions at New York City’s Bronx zoo have tested positive for Covid-19.


      Alarmed by this news, I immediately went home and placed my two lions 1.5 metres apart.


      Mercifully, neither of them seem to be affected.


      They were however covered in a fine layer of dust, testament no doubt to how long ago I won them.


      As I gave them a perfunctory wipe with a hanky, I couldn’t help thinking they looked a little forlorn.


      You see, lions are by nature social animals and prefer to live in prides of 12 or more.


      And yet, I only have two.


      I’m sure they would dearly love for me to acquire a few more and bring my pride up to a respectable level.


      But the prospect of that happening seems remote.


      Because, sadly, I don’t have a job.


      So if someone out there is on the hunt for a senior creative, then please give me a bell.


      If not for my sake, then for my lions.



      Jeremy is a Sydney-based creative/writer looking for work. You can see his book at:















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Jeremy Southern
Jeremy Southern
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia ID Verified