Its 3 am. You can’t sleep! You’re the CEO of your own company. You are facing a critical decision regarding your company! Your employees, your shareholders, your board and your management all look to you to “choose wisely and correctly.” Who can you talk to and where can you go to test your ideas. Harry Truman had a great statement – “THE BUCK STOPS HERE!” “Tag – Your it!” How about “mulling” things over with a Seasoned Entrepreneurial CEO who has had to face many of the same problems you are facing now! Sometimes – just framing the problem correctly to someone who has been there and done that gets you 90% of the answer you need. This is not the time to discuss things with a “consultant or a life coach” who can help putting on a happy face but has never had “skin in the game.” I am a “Serial Entrepreneur” who has built a half dozen capital intensive high tech operations involving many tens of millions of dollars and also have been an Officer and VP of Marketing in a Fortune 500 company. Am presently retired but enjoy being a Mentor to others as many Internationally known notable Mentors have been to me. Will work with a very small number of CEO’s and “be their outside sounding board” to try and help think thru normal and “abnormal” business situations! Testing and validation of your “strategy” before you implement it can be enormously helpful. Let’s have a lengthy conversation to see how we “mesh.” I am not everyone’s cup of tea and am not able to add anything to certain situations.