Currently dealing with Python for building Web Crawling applications using advanced libraries like Selenium, ApScheduler, Dask framework, FastAPI that comes with ASGI. etc
Expertise in building web applications using GoLang (Majorly used Labstack Echo and XORM / GORM third-party frameworks to build an end-to-end Restful API)
Rich Expertise in building serverless backend Restful services using AWS Lambda and GoLang (which comes with scalability and high availability as a defacto standard).
Strong Knowledge in building Security layers on top of exposed web services using token-based authentication mechanisms like JWT and OAuth2
Hands on experience on CI and CD, handled Jenkins,Bitbucket and Gitlab based CI pipelines, Docker containers and Kubernetes based orchestrators
Having a profound knowledge of BlockChain Development. Experience in building Ethereum and Hyperledger based smart contracts and P2P network setup.
Proficient knowledge of Spring Application Framework along with other newer features of Spring like Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and REST.
Basic experience in AI, dealt with speech recognition, image recognition, and NLP (sentiment analysis)