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  • API
  • App Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Extraction
  • Go Programming
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • Linux
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Programming
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Web Scraping


  • Backend Application Programming

    $30/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Currently dealing with Python for building Web Crawling applications using advanced libraries like Selenium, ApScheduler, Dask framework, FastAPI that comes with ASGI. etc Expertise in building web applications...

    APIApp DevelopmentCloud ComputingData ExtractionGo Programming


Sr. Backend Application programmer

Currently working on building a Python based web scraping/crawling application stack using advanced tools cum libraries like Selenium Hub, ApScheduler, Dask framework, FastAPI that comes with ASGI, Regex matchers. etc.
Worked on IOT - LoRaWAN Sensors Integration using Heltec ESP32 boards, TCP Listeners(using Golang) for Mictrack, Teltonika and Pycom based devices. Publish and Parse messages to/from Bluetooth and Serial Device communication ports. User cum Fleet management in the backend
Worked on BlockChain use case development using both Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric as my core platforms and built chaincodes using GoLang supported by Hyperledger.
Worked on Web Application Development (Python / GoLang / NodeJS / Java), 10 years of experience in the field of developing web applications.
Information technology professional capable of managing technology projects from concept to completion with remarkable deadline sensitivity.
Having knowledge on Spring Application Framework along with other newer features of Spring like Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA and REST.
Having knowledge in Third Party API consumption like (Twitter, Facebook, Intel Basis, Fitbit, Garmin etc.,).
Expertise in building web applications using GoLang (Currently using Labstack Echo framework and XORM / GORM third party APIs to build an end-to-end API)
Having knowledge in CI and CD, handling jenkins, bitbucket, gitlab pipelines and Docker containers in my current organisation.
Expertise in building serverless backend Restful services using AWS Lambda and GoLang (which are scalable and highly available by default).
Expertise in building Kubernetes managed clusters using Rancher, Helm Charts and Argo Workflows (Persistent Volume Claims, ConfigMaps and Secrets, Daemon Sets etc.,).

Work Terms

I can spare around 40hrs per week for my freelancing work.