Every Business Plan is unique and requires, as a minimum, its own Market Analysis, Revenue Model, and set of cost assumptions. When used to raise capital, the plan must be "balanced" to optimize investor performance ratios, end-of-plan valuations, and, most importantly, the investor's return. This BP and Investor Analysis package delivers four plan components: 1) Your company's unique concept's market positioning and revenue generation capabilities, 2) Your company's unique cost structure, 3) Your company's resulting financials that meet industry standard Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and 4) an Analysis package of your company's opportunity as seen by potential investors. Deliverables include a customized Market and Revenue Model, a Cost Model by operating department (Sales, Development, Production, G&A, etc.), a standard set of financials (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow, Gross Profit, Budgets, etc.), and a Breakeven, Ratio, Sensitivity, Valuation, Cap Table and investor analyses. Finally, a written plan incorporating the financial information with the business concept, market opportunity, competition, SWOT, and other sections are included (See Attachment for Table of Content). Combined, these reports allow you to determine the most appropriate stock price, the amount of equity (ownership) to be sold for funding and what each stockholder's ending value and return on investment will be with plan fulfillment.Delivery Time:1 Month(s)