Is your business looking to upgrade their marketing into the 21st century? Are you searching for innovative ways to improve your sales copy & creative content? Then you have come to the right place, right? Correct! Luke Burgess is the new guy on the block ready to take the marketing industry by storm. Throughout my career I have dedicated thousands of hours helping my employers, friends & family with their sales copy & marketing material. This included writing countless sales emails, web content, sales letters, presentations, brochures, reports, event marketing & many other forms of sales copy. I have used my creative writing & sales copy techniques in various industries including catering, education, recruitment & of course, the construction industry. I also found myself producing many organisational processes & documents to aid smaller companies & startups. I am currently in the process of setting up my limited copywriting & strategic marketing company. Why choose Luke Burgess to write your content? • Professional, Creative, Communicative. My research is extensive for each company I work with to produce sales copy that reflects your business & makes you stand out from your competition. I do not believe in false promises. I do not believe in providing outrageous initial quotes followed with a lot of bargaining. I believe in producing quality & ensuring satisfaction. I can provide you with one draft copy for feedback response & aim to complete your project on or before deadlines. Please feel free to get in touch for consultation to help you identify your requirements if you are not sure what you require for your brand.