Having a combined 16 years of experience in virtual assistance service industry and serving businesses from legal industry, education industry, medical industry, automotive industry, HVAC industry, home improvement industry, and many more. You are guaranteed to have a peace of mind that your web visitors are catered to in the most professional fashion.
- Your web visitors are guaranteed to receive responses to their queries within 30 seconds (web traffic dependant) for reduced bounce rate.
- Each response will be error free and grammatically correct.
- Reduced bounce rate of your website's visitors.
- Engaging conversations with visitors.
- Increased visitor conversions.
- Proper lead disposition.
- You'll be requested to provide answers to most frequently asked questions from your web visitors from time to time in order to continuously improve visitor experience.
- If you prefer to use your own chat/email platform or mine, you have both options available.
- I may need a reference point related to your service/product which I will study before commencing the project.
- Trial service feature available up to 3 months.