Announcing results-oriented copywriting services. The message in any advert or sales letter should target a specific audience. As you are aware clients come in different categories. There are those who are highly knowledgeable, those who know a little about what is being sold and those who are completely unaware of the product benefits. In every sale there are various psychological techniques I apply. I know how to blow my whistle to grab my prospects' attention. I know how to use agitations to excite prospects and make them read my promise. I relate and educate my prospects because nobody buys without belief. I also create authority and trust through this approach. I have learned how to tap into the deepest dreams and desires of prospects by offering strong benefits which resonate with my client's targeted problems. These benefits when presented in bullet form, form a melodic crescendo of rising dreams, expectations and promises. This sets in motion brain chemicals which are sent to target areas of the body to evoke the right emotions and desired action - to buy. At this stage the prospects feels exhausted, panting and desperately looking forward to having her pain points banished and new hope slowly germinate. Hope to run a successful business. I write sales letters, direct mail packages, newsletter articles, brochures, fliers,squeeze pages, reports, Video Sales letters, ads of different types etc.