As I climbed the corporate ladder as an operations and human resource manager, I discovered that I had an innate ability to engage employees, develop leaders, and align behaviors with organizational goals, values, and expectations. When I left the corporate world six years ago, I decided to focus my energy on helping organizations of all sizes to learn how to transform their potential into performance, productivity, and profit by teaching them how to develop alignment at all levels of their business. To ensure I had the right platform to help unleash the full potential of people at levels of organizations, I launched Hardie Consulting, earned a Master’s of Science in Organizational Leadership, and wrote my first book, ALIGNMENT – Transforming Organizational Potential into Performance, Productivity, and Profit. My focus remains on helping senior leaders to build a competitive advantage by aligning their organization's behaviors and culture with their expectations, goals, and values. Throughout my career, I have consistently blended academic theory with a practical application to create a very user friendly approach. By demonstrating that the healthiest organizations, both in terms of financial and behavioral health, are those with the highest levels of sustained employee engagement and organizational alignment, I have been able to help leaders create the behaviors, culture, and climate needed to attract, retain, and develop people that are passionately committed to the organization's long-term success. In the past few years, I have expanded my business to include delivering keynote speeches, presentations, and speech training to compliment my core business offerings of executive coaching, consulting, and HR based projects. With every client and customer interaction, I actively combine my experiences as a practitioner with my experiences in academia. My background has led me to develop of a unique style, point of view, and