While my job is more commonly known as "Writer" or "Scriptwriter" in the Videogames/Gaming Industry; I go far beyond that just for your game! My primary goal is to DEEPLY grasp your game's vision and needs, then use both my writing skills and game design knowledge (that stem from a life-long love for the medium and research on how they're crafted) to become your greatest ally and confidant in the huge, difficult and risky endeavor that is crafting an enjoyable game. That's why it really resonated with me when I read Darby Mcdevitt in his Gamasutra article saying: "But the truth is, we don't want to hijack your game with pointless soliloquies, and we don't want to write a posturing Hollywood-style epic. Game writers simply want to help designers craft an immersive, interactive narrative experience. With or without dialog, with or without characters, we simply want the game to start somewhere interesting, climb its way over a few emotional peaks, and end somewhere even more interesting. We're good at that sort of thing too." After all, I've always been a great enthusiast in alternative & interactive (and hopefully cheap to implement) storytelling techniques, specially ones that are fully coherent with the mechanics. You can find more about this "enthusiasm" inside the short GDDs in my portfolio. It also resonated with me because I deeply understand it; how big of an undertaking it's for anybody to pour their whole soul on a creative project, I truly do. That lingering dread that your dreams may fail; fearing how you may spend years for naught. That's why I want to let you feel assured that your game's narrative is in good hands with me. Maybe some more if you trust me to help you further on.