In proofreading academic texts, I ensure the following are corrected before submission or publication:
- Syntax and grammar use
- Cohesion
- Accuracy of information provided
- Consistency in language use (American English, British English, or Standard English)
- Referencing (in accordance with the provided style guide)
- Bibliographic referencing (alphabetical order and in-line with the style guide)
- Labeling of tables, graphs, figures, images, and slides
- Indexing
All work is checked thoroughly by myself - I do not rely on AI systems outside of checking for plagiarism. The human eye can spot far more and can more intuitive corrections. I am skilled and more than willing to do any additional research to ensure I deliver a top-quality product based on my clients' own hard work.
Please note the following:
- In proofreading your work, I am not responsible for any editing required but will point this out in your feedback.
- No plagiarism will be accepted - it is unethical and against good academic practice to submit or publish plagiarised work of any kind.
Permission pending from prior clients to post past projects for reference.