All Services Programming & Development Math / Algorithms / Analytics Safety Vest & Helmet Detection PPE model $20/hr · Starting at $2K Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained to detect Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) compliance in an industrial setting. This model is trained using the MobileNet SSD Neural Network. This is part of our work to build smaller, faster Computer Vision models to perform real-time pedestrian and object detection in different settings in the Safety, Surveillance and Compliance space in any industry. Our goal is to build these models that are small enough to run on the edge i.e in small devices like a drone. About $20/hr · Ongoing Download Resume Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained to detect Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) compliance in an industrial setting. This model is trained using the MobileNet SSD Neural Network. This is part of our work to build smaller, faster Computer Vision models to perform real-time pedestrian and object detection in different settings in the Safety, Surveillance and Compliance space in any industry. Our goal is to build these models that are small enough to run on the edge i.e in small devices like a drone. Skills & Expertise Artificial Neural NetworksComputer VisionD3.jsData AnalysisData ModelingData VisualizationGoogle AnalyticsIBM CognosMachine LearningMicrosoft ExcelModelingTableauWeb Analytics Related Work Collections Fitness Websites JavaScript Programming – Technology of Millennials Marketplace web app Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Marketplace Web and Mobile Apps Activity Recognition 26 Reviews MytechCS says, good to work with - responsive for Develop mobile app (iOS/Android) on Apr 27, 2020 MytechCS says, Early days - but promising for Develop mobile app (iOS/Android) on Apr 07, 2020 Deep Green Systems says, Prompt delivery of agreed milestone for Advice/Support Dev. Environment Java EE on Jul 05, 2018 Yukon SNC says, again nice work for web application (info search tool) on Nov 21, 2016 Yukon SNC says, Good customer approach, appreciate team collaboration for challenging tasks for web application (info search tool) on Nov 21, 2016 Sign up or Log in to see more. Browse Similar Freelance Experts Java DevelopersPHP DevelopersMachine Learning Engineers.Net DevelopersSQL DevelopersHTML5 DevelopersSaaS DevelopersWeb DevelopersJavaScript DevelopersNode.js DevelopersComputer Vision DevelopersGPS ServicesMicrosoft SQL Server ManagersData AnalystsAndroid App DevelopersData ManagersMagento DevelopersPython DevelopersGeolocation ServicesIonic DevelopersASP DevelopersMySQL DevelopersHTML DevelopersJoomla Developers