In response to your advertisement for a WordPress site creator. I truly feel that I am the perfect match for the job. I am an experienced Wordpress site creator and I can offer my great skills for your website needs.
I specialize in performing Gutenburg Blocks, Getwid plugin, website configurations and also have a basic knowledge using Elementor. I also do basic graphic designs using Canva.
I am a passionate wordpress developer. I can commit to working with you for 20 hours a week. Although I’m more comfortable to work under a project-based set-up.
I can work with minimal supervision, organized, can be easily trained, and a fast learner. I value long-term relationships with clients.
In addition, I am also a graduate of Information Technology with 4 years of actual experience in the corporate world and still counting.
Check my bio at: allenyoungwebdesign.me
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
Allen Young