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  • Developmental Editing
  • Arabic Translation
  • Ghostwriting
  • Line Editing
  • Portuguese to English Translation
  • Portuguese Translation
  • Spanish Translation


  • Developmental editing and ghostwriting.

    $25/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have creatively edited thirteen books on spiritual topics beginning with a Sufi teacher and more recently for the contemporary spiritual teachers Mooji and Prem Baba. These books were adapted from transcriptions...

    Arabic TranslationDevelopmental EditingGhostwritingLine EditingPortuguese to English Translation


Twenty years of experience in developmental editing and ghostwriting of lively and humorous books on spiritual topics.

I began my career editing and self-publishing ten titles for a Sufi teacher. I took a break from editing in order to pursue an Masters in European and Asian History and I also completed the coursework of a Ph.D. program in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona.
I began editing for Prem Baba, a Brazilian spiritual teacher, about 8 years ago and produced two books for him. I then edited a book for another spiritual teacher, Mooji. I have recently begun work on a Tantra book and another on the Chakra system.

Work Terms

Pay by the hour at the rate of $45 per hour. I am very scrupulous, so don't worry about such an honor system, as I am accustomed to reading texts over again even when I think they are done, and as a result, I usually spend longer reviewing them than the actual number of hours I bill.
The number of pages completed in an hour will vary significantly. If I am working from an author's already-refined and edited manuscript I could get through 4 pages in an hour, but if I am working from transcripts of talks, with the writings or talks a non-native speaker of English, or with writing that is not yet edited, I may only complete 1-2 pages per hour.
Clearly stated expectations. There is a continuum between editing and ghostwriting, and I can give you what you want but only if lines of communication and feedback are open, so I expect frequent comments on work delivered for review so as to hone my work for you.

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