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  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Infographics
  • Reviews
  • Social Media Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Design
  • Website Speed Optimization


  • Local Service Business Optimization

    $120/hr Starting at $2K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'm a local service business digital optimization specialist. I work primarily with businesses that offer services (financial, construction, beauty, etc.) to optimize their online presence to convert...

    Conversion Rate OptimizationDesignGraphic DesignInfographicsReviews


Local Service Business Digital Optimization - Working with local service businesses since 2018 in helping them grow, market and scale their businesses online.

I'm a local service business digital optimization specialist. I work primarily with businesses that offer services (financial, construction, beauty, etc.) to optimize their online presence to convert the most amount of clients with their website and presence on search engines.

I primarily do the following for businesses:

Website Design & A/B Testing Optimization:
Optimizing and testing websites to convert more website visitors into actual clients. Optimizing CTA's, website structure, offers and all small (but important) aspects that makes a website convert more.

Local SEO:
Optimizing keywords on the website to show up in search results as well as backlink strategies to get extra traffic to the site.

Google my Business Optimization:
Optimizing GMB listing by updating information, creating and posting blog posts daily and modifying images and services to better convert clients.

Reputation Management/Reviews:
Optimizing the review process for getting new positive reviews. Automatic, varying responses to reviews as well as flagging and reporting inappropriate reviews to get ratings higher. Also optimizing reviews on third party sites like Yelp.

Local Online Competition Handling:
Reports on competition online efforts to track their progress. Reporting their false reviews, inappropriate content and content that is not within Google's guidelines. Reducing their rank in search results and allowing your business to rank higher fairly.

Work Terms

- Remote work only (Can recommend local services like photography/videography)
- Client needs to provide images and videos wanted to be used (can edit them)
- Satisfaction Guarantee, if you don't like the work/don't find it has grow your business significantly you don't pay
- No hourly rate, contracted work only
- Free educational resources offered to all clients

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