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  • .NET
  • JavaScript
  • Visual C#
  • WPF
  • ASP
  • Business Rules
  • C#
  • Classic Asp
  • Iis
  • JavaScript MVC
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Visual C#.NET

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  • Secure and Responsive Business Web Apps

    $35/hr Starting at $3K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    At Alobria Systems, we see a distinction between Websites and Web Applications. Websites primarily support information flow in one direction – they are meant to inform. Web Applications are used to...

    .NETBusiness RulesC#Classic AspIis
  • Project Restarts

    $35/hr Starting at $3K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Has your project gone sideways? Is your current development firm refusing to answer phone calls or emails? Has another firm failed to deliver on their promises, leaving you to pick up the pieces? This...

  • Fast and Functional Windows Applications

    $35/hr Starting at $3K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We have built applications for real estate management, a full-fledged accounting system, a public health management system with over 2 million lines of code, and many more. If your application does not...

    Vb.netVisual C#Windows 8WPF
  • Brownfield Development (Reengineering)

    $35/hr Starting at $3K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Software ages and can become brittle over time. What was once a state-of-the-art architecture can become difficult to use and limiting in a matter of a few years. In System Reengineering, a new architecture...

    ASP.NETASP.NET MVCVb.netVisual C#


Building Secure and Responsive Web-based Business Applications

Alobria Systems has been building business applications since 2002. We create, enhance, or replace web applications to help businesses run smoother, faster and better. Our methodology, honed and perfected over many years, can deliver your application on-time and on-budget, while being flexible enough to adapt to your changing business environment.

Founded: 2002

Work Terms

Fully transparent, Agile development process.