An ambitious writer looking to produce an entirely original article that perfectly accommodates whatever criteria your task requires. Blogs, grants, stories... no article exceeds my ability.
Hi there! As cliche as it may be, i find blurbs such as these typically begin well with a nominal introduction followed shortly thereafter by a frank but eloquent objective. So, without further ado, my name is Amanda, and my mission here on Guru, is not unlike millions of people around the world who fantasize about fulfilling a dream so idealistic even the most talented are often inclined to surrender. I want to write. As simplistic as it seems, there are few other combinations of our beloved English language that can more precisely summarize my passion. I LOVE WRITING. The English language specifically (it is unfortunately my only language) has always intrigued me far more than my peers. As a result, I have produced compositions of all different genres and topics, styles and influences in a fervent interest to grow, succeed and perfect what many consider to be the most competitive industry of all time. At the young age of six, I produced a story humorously documenting the grueling and ultimately devastating fate of snowmen. In the fifth grade, I submitted and won a state-wide poetry contest depicting as accurately as I could, the infamous story of Noah and his ark. Junior High and High School came and went as did a myriad of book reports, speeches, research papers and debate projects, all rendering marks that consistently exceeded those of my private school peers. Not a single assignment proved overwhelming enough to deter me from producing quality compositions time and time again. Upon graduating from high school with honors, I pursued a degree in English with a minor in Sociology. Although my education has unfortunately reached a hiatus, my passion for journalism and this ever-present desire to express to whatever audience will listen (or read) is as fervent as ever. So, here I am proposing to those looking for a talented voice in a sea of desperate souls, that you extend to me an opportunity. Let me write for you. I promise to deliver beyond your expectations.
Work Terms
I am looking to complete projects and assignments of a somewhat brief nature (2000 words or less) and am aware that this limit can influence my wages. I strive to remain realistic when negotiating compensation, as I am a novice freelancer with talent and passion exceeding experience. I expect that payment for many assignments will likely not exceed three figures. Genres of articles may include but are not limited to essays, blogs, content description, reviews, creative nonfiction, speeches, grant writing, short stories...